Then by being combined with constitutive equation of changing physical parameter and nonhomogeneous compound material, it deduces the heat conduction equation of c. 结合变物性非均匀材料本构方程,推导出变物性非均匀复合材料的热传导方程。
The strain gradient plasticity theory was used as the constitutive equation to illustrate the material properties at micro scale. 将应变梯度塑性理论应用于微切削仿真过程的材料本构模型中,表征材料的微观尺度变形特性。
By scientific computing with the constitutive equation, the plate ′ s stress-strain curves at different strain rate are obtained. 金属材料在不同应变率下的真实应力应变曲线是汽车碰撞模拟的一个关键。
Study of constitutive equation of granite rheological model with thermo-mechanical coupling effects 热力耦合作用下花岗岩流变模型的本构关系研究经向海陆分布对大气环流的热力作用
The large-strain description method for the constitutive equation of fluid flow in fluid-solid coupling theory is studied for different reference configurations. 研究流固耦合理论中渗流本构方程在不同参考构形下的大变形表述方法。
The constitutive equation in the present method is based on flow theory of plasticity to consider the loading history, while deformation theory of plasticity in the classical inverse analysis method. 改进的反向模拟法采用了一种基于塑性流动理论的本构方程,可以充分考虑应变历史对塑性变形的影响。
The constitutive equation of second order for disturbed extensional flow is used to study the instability of stretching sheet of viscoelastic fluid. 提出“准衰退记忆”新概念,发展了非牛顿流体扰动本构理论,并研究了粘弹流体拉伸流动的不稳定性规律。
Study on nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive equation of modified asphalt and Its Applications 改性沥青非线性粘弹性本构关系研究及应用
The vertical axial constitutive equation and its clinical signification on full thickness, middle thickness and epidermic GRAFT-SKIN at anterior ares of the human thigh 人股前区全厚、中厚和刃厚皮片垂直轴向本构关系及其意义
With the application of the constitutive equation considering damage to the pure bending of beam, the stress field, strain field, displacement field and damage field can be obtained. 从弹性微结构理论出发研究了带空洞损伤线弹性材料的本构方程,把这种考虑损伤的本构方程应用到梁的纯弯曲。
A thermo-elastoplastic constitutive equation including phase transformation and its applications 考虑相变的热弹塑性本构方程及其应用
Research on Three-Elements Constitutive Equation of Plastic Shrinkage Cracking for Cement Mortar 水泥砂浆塑性收缩开裂的三元本构方程研究
The constitutive equation of the fluid is modeled by that for a second grade fluid. 以二阶流体构建它的本构方程,得到了速度分布和温度断面图的数值结果。
There are different comments on constitutive equation, instable criterion, prediction of limit strain and failure strain in study of macro-mechanics of superplastic materials. 在超塑性材料单向拉伸变形的宏观力学研究上,关于变形的本构方程、失稳判据、极限应变和断裂应变的预测方面,都存在着不同程度的分歧。
Thermal Compression Deformation Constitutive Equation of 7039 Aluminum Alloy 7039铝合金的热压缩变形本构方程
Because of this, a proper creep constitutive equation is very important. 因此,一个合适的描述流变现象的本构方程是非常重要的。
In the second part, some new creation of life prediction model for rubber in the field of computer simulation, dynamics, constitutive equation and phenomenological theory is also generalized. 总结了橡胶材料寿命评估模型在计算机仿真、动力学及本构和唯象模型领域的新进展。
Hot Deformation Constitutive Equation of Alloy Inconel 690 Inconel690合金热变形本构方程研究
A constitutive equation is based on the theory of continuum mechanics, considering the nonlinear viscoelasticity, and following the theory of algebraic invariants. 通过像框剪切试验的结果与本构方程的对比,验证了本构方程的正确性,该方程较好地描述了预浸积物的性质。
The constitutive equation could be applied to make technology of hot working for AZ31 magnesium alloy. 可为制订AZ31镁合金的热加工工艺提供理论与数据。
Firstly, a gradient dependent damage constitutive equation is derived by the nonlocal approach. 首先从非局部理论出发,推导了应变梯度损伤本构方程;
A dynamic constitutive equation is obtained by fitting the test data. 由实验结果拟合得到了材料的动态本构方程。
The integral creep constitutive equation and differential stress-strain constitutive relationship can be established according to relevant rheological model. 根据有关流变模型建立了积分型蠕变本构方程和微分型应力应变本构关系,并将由蠕变方程理论推导的结果与实验结果进行了误差分析。
The theory of the rheology constitutive equation is very helpful to the development of the polymers science. 流变本构方程理论的研究对促进高分子材料科学的发展和解决聚合物加工过程中若干重要问题都具有十分重要的意义。
The principle and method for fitting and estimation of constitutive equation model parameters are discussed. 分析了用曲线拟合估计粘弹性材料线性本构方程模型参数的原理和方法。
The constitutive equation for damaged material and two damage strain energy release rates are also discussed. 文中还讨论了受损材料的本构方程和两种损伤应变能释放率。
The model and the constitutive equation are derived and analyzed theoretically, and then validated by numerical methods. 通过理论手段推导并分析了模型的本构方程及性质,并应用数值计算对理论进行了验证。
Through the creep test results, establish a zone of injury creep constitutive equation. 通过蠕变试验结果,建立了带损伤的蠕变本构方程。
According to the solid rocket motor propellant viscoelasticity, a linear viscoelastic constitutive equation of the grain is obtained. 根据固体火箭发动机推进剂药柱的粘弹性特性,得到了药柱线性粘弹性本构方程。
The thermo-visco-elasto-plastic constitutive equation and failure criterion of granite were discussed from the viewpoint of energy. 从能量角度探讨了花岗岩的热粘弹塑性本构方程和破坏准则。